Whittaker's Wings

Whittaker's Wings is a special project which was created by Crystal & Ryan as they anxiously awaited Whittaker's arrival in that eerily silent maternity ward room with a butterfly on the door and the faint cry of newborn babies down the hall. What first began as a conversation on how they could give back and support future bereaved parents who would also find themselves in that same quiet room, has become a beautiful tribute honouring their beloved daughter, bringing comfort and connection to heartbroken parents in their darkest days.

Whittaker’s Wings donates care packs to hospitals for bereaved parents of stillborn babies. Each care pack contains basic toiletry essentials, a warm tracksuit and a special book and notepad.

Crystal & Ryan also share their story in a brochure as a bit of a guide for what heartbroken parents may expect in those first few overwhelming days. They explain how they spent six beautiful days with Whittaker, making precious memories and keepsakes surrounded by friends and family and so much love. So far, they have donated over 200 care packs to hospitals all over Queensland with big plans to donate care packs nationwide so that every parent who experiences stillbirth is recognised and acknowledged with the love and comfort a Whittaker's Wings care pack brings. 

 Hospital’s & facilities that have received our Whittaker’s Wings care packs so far, include:
Hummingbird House
Mater Mothers Hospital Brisbane
Redcliffe Hospital
Ipswich Hospital
St Andrew’s Ipswich Private Hospital
Logan Hospital
John Flynn Private Hospital
Stanthorpe Hospital
Mackay Birth Centre
Caboolture Hospital
Logan Hospital
Harvey Bay Hospital
Longreach Hospital
Emerald Hospital
Royal Brisbane Woman’s Hospital
Kingaroy Hospital
Mackay Base Hospital
Rockhampton Hospital
If you are a birthing facility or if you care for bereaved parents after stillbirth and would like to receive Whittaker’s Wings care packs, please contact whittakerswings@gmail.com

A percentage of all proceeds from Whittaker and Friends goes towards our project Whittaker's Wings. You can also make an additional donation by contributing to a care pack below. When you gift a whole care pack, you can nominate who you would like your care pack donated in honour of. Please know, any donation will bring so much comfort to bereaved parents in their darkest days.